Mian Dido Singh Jamwal- Unsung Dogra Warrior

Hawk is always considered as a symbol of freedom and intuition, it also symbolises protection. Today in our story of Dogra hero, hawk not only symbolises above traits but has played a very important part in the struggle of the Jammu kingdom during the Maharaja Ranjit Singh era.

Story is of Jamwal Rajput Braveheart Mian Dido,it is said no one has so much resistance to the Sikh kingdom like Miaton Dido.

Mian Dido was born in the year 1780 in a place called as Jagti,locals might be aware of this place as its enroute katra.

As he started growing up, the political situation in the Jammu kingdom was getting changed.Last Raja of jammu Jit singh was quite weak and this was seen as an opportunity by Maharaja Ranjit singh,who was extending his boundaries.He despatched force of 2500 men under the command of Bhawani singh and bhai Ram singh to capture jammu.Without much struggle, the Jammu kingdom was annexed in 1808 and merged with Punjab.

This was not taken well with a lot of  Dogras,who never wanted to be under anyone,mian Dido was one of the strong voices.

Raising the flag against atrocities was not new to mian Dido,he was against the exploitation of farmers and used to reprimand the money landers if they try to do some mischief in account which can harm the interest of local farmers.He was indeed Robin Hood of Jammu.

Sikh ruler was quite fond of keeping hawks and they say that around Trikuta hills(vaishnodevi hills) one could find very fine hawks.The rule was so strict that if someone finds a hawk, he or she has to submit the same to jammu court and order was passed that no one was allowed to keep the hawks.

Here our Hero Mian Dido had shown one of the first resistance. It was known that mian Dido was having a very fine hawk, which is very dear to him. Administration sent 13 armed soldiers to take the hawk from him, as they approached Mian dido,he said “I am ready to give the hawk to you “and said to them to wait for some time and meanwhile, they can get refreshed. He gave hawk to his wife and told her to escape with the bird to the forests and as soon his wife left, he came out with his sword and killed 7 soldiers ,injured 4 while 2 escaped to tell this story of valour of our great hero Mian Dido and by not giving the hawk he had given the Symbolic message to them “That they can’t take the freedom and let Dogras live on their land peacefully”.

These all are part of folklore and ballads of the Jammu region sung in  the praise of Mian Dido in following words;

“Samne khadoi mian Dido lalkara hai dutta

Beriya daiya chodi de,sadi kandi chodi de

Apne majhe da mulk sambal apne Lahore da mulk sambal

Pagdi talwar mian Dido ji kitts

Baddi baddi mundian beriyan Deyan range garne naal”

It’s Means;

“Mian Dido challenged the enemy and asked them to leave their land and go back to Lahore and post that he attacked them and cut their heads which fell into the bushes.”

As he was very popular in the hills due to his good deeds and struggle for people, a strong movement started in his favour and no one use to tell about his whereabouts and sometimes he used to do a guerrilla attack at night on the garrison. This really scared the army and they were not sure when and from where Main Dido will attack.

After lot of frustration due to his deeds, Maharaja Ranjit singh has given this task to Maharaj Gulab singh,who first tried to pursue Miam Dido to surrender but Mian Dido was a free bird who always kept freedom above his life rejected the proposal and continued armed resistance.

His popularity was growing with every passing day, thus tactically he was first isolated from the common people and then shot and martyred in the year 1821 in Trikuta hills,which had played a significant role in his life as he was an ardent disciple of Mata vaishnodevi.

Mian Dido will always remain as a hero in the arsenal of Dogra history,he never compromised on his as well as the freedom of his people.

Tributes to the great Dogra hero who was a true symbol of the bird he always kept with him(you can see in the status, which is installed at Rehari Ambphala chowk).

Heritage and me subscribers (who are not from jammu) reading this article on Mian Dido can very well relate him with Maharana Pratap or Scottish hero William Wallace, who sacrificed their lives by fighting aggressors and never compromised on their freedom.

Few References  are taken from a book “ History of the reigning family of Lahore” written by Major G Carmichael Smyth (1847),

Ballads which were sung but presented in written form by eminent Dogra writers especially Sh RN Shastriji (Padmashree)


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